Data Storage

There are 3 main places you can store your data /home, /data and /science.

Location Size Speed Usage Availability Redundancy
/home 10GB per user Fast Config files, scripts and documents login01, node001-012, hmem01-02 Not backed up, keep a copy of scripts on your local machine or on /science
/data 340TB Total Fast Data and scripts for jobs running on KewHPC login01, node001-012, hmem01-02 Not backed up, keep a copy of irreplaceable data on /science
/science 238TB Total Slower Data and scripts not currently in use, but which need keeping accessible login01 Daily snapshot taken at 8pm (kept for 16 days). Mirrored between Kew and Wakehurst

There are 2 main areas in /data and /science.


For data shared for a specific project. To access an existing group or to request a new project directory and group you need to contact Matt Clarke and get permission form the groups owner (usually the associated team leader).


A place for an individual user to run analyses (in the case of /data/users_area) and store data only needed by them.